If you are a 35-year-old researcher or younger and member of the BAPH in good standing, and you have a research paper or a systematic review about a relevant public health topic accepted for publication in Archives of Public Health, you can apply for a grant of 1000 Euro from the BAPH to reimburse a part of the article processing charges (APC). Please remember that all BAPH members are entitled to a 15% APC discount; the grant thus provides support to cover the remaining amount. For this financial support, the first author of the accepted paper must provide the following information: their age, proof of BAPH membership, proof of the acceptance of the paper by the Archives of Public Health, and a short abstract, following this format:
Title (no more than 10 words)
Authors: title, full name, affiliation (+ mail address of first author)
Length: max. 500 words (excl. title, authors, and references)
In English
This information must be sent by email to Prof. Johan Bilsen, chairman of the Publication Evaluation and Selection Commission of the BAPH. Evaluation criteria for being selected for financial support, are:
It concerns a research article or a systematic review
Topic of the paper: relevance for public health (practice)
Robust scientific methodology (design, data collection, analyses, …)
Innovative character
Sound structure, style, and language of the text
Comply with the format requirements of the abstract
The first author will be informed about the outcome by the chairman of the commission, within two weeks of submission of the abstract. Successful applicants will be requested to send their bank account details to the BAPH treasurer, copying the commission chairman. An invoice can be issued to request the payment from BAPH.