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General Assembly - 20 November 2023

BAPH events
Published on 02 December 2024

The next BAPH General Assembly will be held on Monday 20 November 2023 from 13h to 15h. BAPH is a non-for-profit association, asbl-vzw, and as such has to organise at least once a year a general assembly. The General Assembly is chaired by the president of the Board.

All BAPH members in good standing are welcome to attend the session, however only effective members can vote (decision-making power).

Location: Sciensano, Eurostation, rue Ernest Blerot 1, 1070 Anderlecht

Registration via online form. If you have any further query, please contact or .
Due to the security and administrative arrangements at Sciensano, all members that want to attend, must register in advance. Members should arrive at the Sciensano entrance no later than 12:55 to be registered and escorted into the meeting room.

Members of the Board

BAPH board members serve three-year terms on a rolling basis.

Brecht Devleesschauwer, President
Karin De Ridder, Treasurer
Pierre Smith, Secretary

Administrative information

Enterprise number: 0892.840.161
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